Thursday, May 10, 2012

Psychoanalytic Therapy

Founded By:

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

Key Concepts:

*View of human nature: "According to Freud, our behavior is determined by irrational forces, unconcious motivations, and biological and instinctual drives..." (Corey p.65).
*Personality is comprised of three systems: the id, the ego, and the superego.
                         *Id- Ruled by the pleasure principle
                         *Ego- Ruled by the reality principle
                         *Superego- Mainly concerned with good vs. bad and right vs. wrong strives for 
                           perfection not pleasure

*Consciousness and the Unconscious: The largest part of the mind is the unconscious which stores memories and repressed materials. Neurotic symptoms and behaviors are rooted in the unconscious. 
*Three kinds of anxiety: reality, neurotic, and moral
                           *Reality- Fear of danger from world; external
                           *Neurotic- Fear instincts will get out of hand; internal
                           *Moral- Fear of own conscience; internal
*Ego-defense mechanisms: Way of coping with anxiety and prevent overwhelming
                           *Examples are repression, denial, projection, etc.

*Development of Personality: Frued's psychosexual and Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages of development from birth to adulthood. 

Goals of Therapy:

*Make the unconcious conscious
*Strengthen the ego which results in changing the individual's personality
*Analyze past experiences to gain self-understanding


*Maintain analytic framework:
                 *Therapist maintains relative anonymity
                 *Maintains neutrality and objectivity
                 *Consistent meetings
                 *Begin and end sessions on time
                 *Clarity on fees
                 *Therapist avoids giving advice and imposing their values
*Free association- Client encouraged to say whatever comes to mind
*Interpretation-Therapist explains the meaning of behavior
*Dream analysis:
              *Latent content- Hidden, symbolic, and unconscious contains sexual and aggresive impulses
              *Manifest content- More acceptable and less threatening content
*Analysis and interpretation of resistance- Anything working against the progress of the therapy
*Analysis and interpretation of transference- Past relationships distort the present with the therapist


Corey, G. (2013). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. "Freud's Theory of the Personality." "Development of Personality."


1 comment:

  1. Very good job!

    Please remind me to show your chart from this about Defense mechanisms when we discuss them in class.

    Grade = 10/10
