Saturday, May 12, 2012

Adlerian Therapy

Founded By:

Alfed Adler
Alfred Adler (1870-1937)

Key Concepts:

*View of human nature: "According to Adler, humans are motivated primarily by social relatedness rather than by sexural urges; behavior is purposeful and goal-directed; and consciousness, more than unconsciousness, is the focuse of therapy" (Corey p.103).
* Inferiority feelings motivate us and inspire creativity.  Behavior can be influenced it is not merely at the mercy of heredity and the environment.
* Subjective perception of reality: Phenomenological- Therapists try to view things from the client's persepective.
*Unity and patterns of personality: Adler used the term individual psychology.  He stressed viewing the person as a whole indivisible person. Holistic concept says that a client cannot be evaluated in terms of parts or bits and pieces but must be viewed in their entirety. 
*Behavior is purposeful and goal oriented:  Fictional finalism is a life goal that guides a person's behavior. Adler used the terms "guiding self-ideal" and "goal of perfection."
*Social interest-Having equal concern for others that one has for themself.  This involves cooperating and contributing in one's community. 
*Community feeling-The feeling of being connected to others.
*Adlerians pay attention to sibling relationships and birth order.  "Birth order is not a deterministic concept but does increase an individual's probability of having a certain set of experiences" (Corey p.108).  More attention is paid to one's feelings of where they fit into their family than to the actual birth sequence.  (Examples to reference are oldest child, second child, middle child, youngest child, and only child).

Therapeutic Goals:

*"...Reeducation or reorientation of the client toward the useful side of life" (Corey p.109). 
*Client develops a sense of belonging in terms of community feeling and social interest.
*Therapist provides encouragement and guidance and increases the client's self awareness.


*Establish relationship between client and therapist.
*Perform holistic assessment of the client
*Encourage self-understanding
*Reeducate the clien on making new choices

Example of an Adlerian therapy session:


Corey, G. (2013). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

 (2011, July 14). Classical Adlerian brief therapy. Video clip retrieved from "Alfred Adler."

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