Monday, June 18, 2012

Most Interesting Therapy:Psychoanalytic

Why It Is Interesting:

I feel that psychoanalytic therapy founded by Sigmund Freud is the most interesting.  I think it is the most interesting because of all of the components of this therapy that are well known not only to those who study psychology but to anyone who has heard of psychology.  Most people know enough about Sigmund Freud to tell you he had something to do with psychology, sex, and while they may not know that they are the three systems of the personality most people have heard of the id, ego, and superego. 

Primary Goal:

Bring the unconscious into consciousness. 

How Freud's life/experiences contributed to development of the theory:

Freud studied medicine at the University of Vienna.  He then began working with Jean-Martin Charcot, a French neurologist, and developed a fascination with hysteria.  In studying hysteria Frued and his mentor, Dr. Josef Breuer, came to the conclusion that traumatic events in one's past contribute to their hysteria.  Freud and Breuer continued to study hysteria and learned that talking about past traumatic events helped reduce the symptoms of hysteria.  This was what started Freud's interest in psychology and lead to his development of psychoanalytic therapy.       

References "Ink Blot"

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